Bank Swallow Conservation Outreach in New Hampshire

Principal Investigator(s):

Pamela D. Hunt, Ph.D.


Audubon Society of New Hampshire

Project Term:

2016 - 2017

The original goal of this project was to develop outreach materials on Bank Swallow conservation that could be made available to river recreationalists (e.g. kayakers) using the rivers in New Hampshire where Bank Swallows are known to occur. Such outreach would also have included landowners whose properties abutted these same rivers, particularly near significant banks and/or colonies. Landowners are an important target for education because activities at the top of river bluffs (e.g., agriculture) also have the potential to alter habitat for this species. Unfortunately, NH Audubon was unable to raise sufficient funds to fully implement the outreach component of the project, so available resources were instead used to implement a more comprehensive update on the locations of Bank Swallow colonies along New Hampshire’s larger rivers. Such an effort is an important first step toward targeted outreach in the future, as envisioned in the original proposal to the Nuttall Ornithological Club.

Program Report: Bank Swallow Conservation Outreach in New Hampshire

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